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Based on 3 reviews
David Entenza
Great job

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Los mejores!!!!

No te pierdas la oportunidad de incluir esta delicia en tus comidas.


One of the items was missing and I lost my money and the item.

We're deeply sorry to hear about the inconvenience you experienced with your recent order. It's truly disappointing to learn that one of the items was missing, resulting in both the loss of your money and the item itself. Please accept our sincere apologies for this oversight. We understand how frustrating and disheartening it must be to encounter such a situation. Rest assured, your feedback has been taken seriously, and we're committed to resolving this matter for you promptly. To ensure we can make things right, could you please provide us with either the order number or the name associated with the order?

Bacon ahumado

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  • $14.99
  • Regular price $16.99

Nuestro bacon ahumado es la indulgencia definitiva para los amantes del sabor y la textura crujiente. Cada loncha de nuestro bacon es cuidadosamente seleccionada y sometida a un proceso de ahumado lento que realza su sabor natural y le otorga un toque ahumado irresistible.

Cada bocado de nuestro bacon es una experiencia crujiente y deliciosa. El equilibrio perfecto entre la jugosidad y la textura crujiente te llevará a un viaje culinario lleno de satisfacción y placer.


  1. Bacon en el Desayuno: Nada inicia mejor el día que un desayuno con bacon. Acompaña tus huevos revueltos, tortillas o panqueques con unas lonchas de nuestro bacon ahumado para un desayuno épico.

  2. Bacon BLT: Prepara un clásico sándwich BLT (Bacon, Lechuga y Tomate) con nuestro bacon como protagonista. Agrega mayonesa y un toque de aguacate para un sándwich inolvidable.

  3. Bacon en Ensaladas: Para darle un toque crujiente a tus ensaladas, desmenuza nuestro bacon sobre una ensalada de espinacas, lechuga romana o aguacate. El contraste de sabores es sublime.

  4. Bacon y Queso: Acompaña tu bacon con una generosa porción de queso cheddar derretido o queso azul para una combinación perfecta de sabores.

  5. Bacon en Wraps: Enrolla nuestro bacon en tortillas junto con lechuga, tomate y tu salsa favorita para preparar wraps deliciosos y satisfactorios.

Nuestro bacon ahumado es un manjar que se adapta a cualquier comida del día y eleva instantáneamente el sabor de tus platillos. Úsalo como un ingrediente especial en tus recetas o disfrútalo solo como un snack crujiente y delicioso. ¡El bacon ahumado de calidad es un placer que nunca pasa de moda!

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
David Entenza
Great job

I love it

Los mejores!!!!

No te pierdas la oportunidad de incluir esta delicia en tus comidas.


One of the items was missing and I lost my money and the item.

We're deeply sorry to hear about the inconvenience you experienced with your recent order. It's truly disappointing to learn that one of the items was missing, resulting in both the loss of your money and the item itself. Please accept our sincere apologies for this oversight. We understand how frustrating and disheartening it must be to encounter such a situation. Rest assured, your feedback has been taken seriously, and we're committed to resolving this matter for you promptly. To ensure we can make things right, could you please provide us with either the order number or the name associated with the order?

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
David Entenza
Great job

I love it

Los mejores!!!!

No te pierdas la oportunidad de incluir esta delicia en tus comidas.


One of the items was missing and I lost my money and the item.

We're deeply sorry to hear about the inconvenience you experienced with your recent order. It's truly disappointing to learn that one of the items was missing, resulting in both the loss of your money and the item itself. Please accept our sincere apologies for this oversight. We understand how frustrating and disheartening it must be to encounter such a situation. Rest assured, your feedback has been taken seriously, and we're committed to resolving this matter for you promptly. To ensure we can make things right, could you please provide us with either the order number or the name associated with the order?